About Us​

Soof Factory, a social enterprise owned by AlSadu Society, partners with Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences and Al-Mawashi Slaughterhouse to provide a sustainable source of processed wool. The wool is carefully sorted, scoured, and processed into high-quality carded fleece for hand spinners and weavers. By supplying clean wool, we accelerate the spinning process while improving the quality of yarn, making it ideal for both traditional and modern textile production.

Leading the way in sustainable wool processing for local and regional textile innovation.


Let’s Work Together​

Would you like to collaborate or learn more about our wool processing center? Reach out to us through the form below, or visit our center located in Al-Rai, Kuwait.


Establishing Kuwait’s first wool processing center to preserve the cultural heritage and diversified woven textile legacy, inspired by the nation’s past values while incorporating sustainable technologies into the process.


To lead the wool processing sector locally and regionally while upholding outstanding environmental standards.


Soof Wool Mill, a social enterprise owned by AlSadu Society, partners with Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences and Al-Mawashi Slaughterhouse to provide a sustainable source of processed wool. The wool is carefully sorted, scoured, and processed into high-quality carded fleece for hand spinners and weavers. By supplying clean wool, we accelerate the spinning process while improving the quality of yarn, making it ideal for both traditional and modern textile production.