Sustainable Wool Yarn for Textile Development

Leading the way in sustainable wool processing for local and regional textile innovation

About Us​

Soof Wool Mill is the first wool processing center in Kuwait, committed to preserving cultural heritage while embracing sustainable technologies. Through the support of The Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences and in collaboration with Al-Mawashi Slaughterhouse, the Soof mill will provide high-quality wool yarn for weavers and textile designers.

Soof Factory

Soof Factory is the first wool processing center in Kuwait, committed to preserving cultural heritage while embracing sustainable technologies.

High Quality Wool

Through collaboration with Al-Mawashi Slaughterhouse, we provide high-quality wool yarn for spinners, weavers, and textile designers.

Spinning Steps​

Shearing & Sorting

Collection and sorting of high-quality sheep fleece from local sources.

Wool Scouring:

Environmentally friendly cleaning processes to ensure premium quality.


Transforming fleece into soft carded wool ready for spinning.


Using natural dyes for environmentally conscious yarn production.


Creating yarn suited for a variety of textile applications.

Contact Us​

Would you like to collaborate or learn more about our wool processing center? Reach out to us through the form below, or visit our center located in Al-Rai, Kuwait.

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